
I'm still standing, you can't take this joy away

Tiffany is not longer Girlicious

Publicerad 2009-10-11 13:58:10 i ♥Celebrities,

Where is Tiffany????
Why did Tiffany leave the group?
There are so many question I gonna to ask but all the answer is up to Tiffany ...
I actually heard it from a friend, and I was like very chock that they really take out Tiffany  and not the others just beacause of what Robber think about the group start something new and it seems like Tiffany doesn't like the ideal it so she quit or something like that  I don't know .But don't worryabout Tiffany ,she gonna make her own solo , which is coming soon...
Listen 2 what Tiffany saying about what really happen ?? :


Postat av: romeo

Publicerad 2009-10-11 18:35:19

haha naj.. vi nt ens släkt ;O

Postat av: lina

Publicerad 2009-10-12 16:14:52

sv: taack så mycket :) <3

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